Today was the last day I closed the doors to my second commercial leased dance studio. Ironically the day after International Dance Day.
I honestly thought there would be more emotion wrapped up in it but this one felt like a business deal. And the deal that was made in my heart and head was that, we didn't have enough focus on what was most important to us and that is teaching Salsa, Bachata & Samba to adults who are looking for something fun in their life.
Having a studio that was our own was part of a bigger dream I had for many years. The dream; to own a space that had a dance studio, healthish cafe and functional training studio.
"Shmovid" though changed that completely. Just 6 short weeks after we had signed, we began fighting for our business's life. And when we say we fought hard, we fought freaking mother freaking hard.
Closing the doors to the commercial lease this time has felt like we are quite literally closing one door to open another. The lease meant we were spending a lot of time focusing on studio hires, cleaning, events, lost property oh the amount of lost property... our dance classes yes but energy output onto so much more and now, we're able to go back to our core. While the dream has evolved, we know that Energia was not a particular place but the people within it. The instructors & the students!
We will be starting Energia 2.0 in hire-by-the-hour locations.
Atmosphere - Level 1/231 Queensberry St, Carlton (Mondays & Wednesdays)
St Mary's - 430 Queensberry St, North Melbourne (Tuesdays)
**Cheeky plug for you to go and book your classes with our amazing crew www.energiastudios.com.au/bookings**
While we're sad to not have our own space to use whenever we want to, we're really excited to be giving not some, but all of our energy to our students again.
So Adios. Au Revoir. Arrivederci. Yasou. Do svidaniva 1/171 Lygon St, Carlton and Hello to a world of new possibilities 💙💛