Dance fitness classes that are fun, energetic, and make you feel amazing.
Summer is gone and why should you stop being fit and active. Energia Studios is now introducing Zumba to help keep you fit during the cooler months.
Sessions available from 30th March 2020
Monday - 9.30 am to 10.30 am
Monday - 12 pm to 1 pm
Wednesday - 5.30pm to 6.30 pm
All Sessions in Room 1 - Energia Studios 1/171 Lygon Street Carlton.

What is Zumba?
Zumba choreography is composed using all or some of the sixteen core steps. There are four basic rhythms: salsa, reggaeton, merengue and cumbia, and each basic rhythm has four core steps.
Do you need to know how to dance?
NO!!! Zumba is perfect for anyone wanting to get fit and have fun doing it.
The dance steps are run through slowly and repeated throughout the session, so you become familiar with the moves fairly quickly.
Benefits of Zumba
Zumba is a total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class.